5 New Additions to Grow your Loose Parts Collection

Last week, we shared some fantastic ideas for starting your own loose parts collection. Here are a few additional suggestions to expand your collection:
- Cardboard Boxes – Reach out to neighbours or friends who frequently receive deliveries and ask if they can save their boxes for you.
- Fabric Scraps – Old clothing or leftover fabric pieces can be repurposed as loose parts. They bring a range of textures and colours to your collection.
- Receipt printer cores – Ask at any of the stores you regularly go to, if they can save these for you.
- Plastic/Metal Lids – Collect lids from yogurt containers, milk jugs, or jars. These come in various shapes and sizes, making them versatile for play.
- Bottle Caps – Save caps from beverages you drink at home or ask friends to keep theirs.
These additions will not only diversify your collection but also open up new possibilities for creative and imaginative play.
Don’t forget, you can also stop by our office to pick up a variety of free loose parts to help boost your collection. When you’re here next, make sure to explore the variety of materials we’ve gathered just for you.